Monday, June 1, 2015

Parva 12 005


"Narada said, 'Hearing of the fame of Karna's might, the ruler of the
Magadhas, king Jarasandha, challenged him to a single combat. Both
conversant with the celestial weapons, a fierce battle took place between
them in which they struck each other with diverse kinds of arms. At last
when their arrows were exhausted and bows and swords were broken and they
both became carless, they began, possessed of might as they were, to
fight with bare arms. While engaged with him in mortal combat with bare
arms, Karna was about to sever the two portions of his antagonist's body
that had been united together by Jara. The king (of Magadha), then after
feeling himself very much pained, cast off all desire of hostility and
addressed Karna, saying, 'I am gratified.' From friendship he then gave
unto Karna the town Malini. Before this, that tiger among men and
subjugator of all foes (viz., Karna) had been king of the Angas only, but
from that time the grinder of hostile forces began to rule over Champa
also, agreeably to the wishes of Duryodhana, as thou knowest. Thus Karna
became famous on earth for the valour of his arms. When, for thy good,
the Lord of the celestials begged of him his (natural) coat of mail and
ear-rings, stupefied by celestial illusion, he gave away those precious
possessions. Deprived of his car-rings and divested of his natural
armour, he was slain by Arjuna in Vasudeva's presence. In consequence of
a Brahmana's curse, as also of the curse of the illustrious Rama, of the
boon granted to Kunti and the illusion practised on him by Indra, of his
depreciation by Bhishma as only half a car-warrior, at the tale of Rathas
and Atirathas, of the destruction of his energy caused by Salya (with his
keen speeches), of Vasudeva's policy, and, lastly of the celestial
weapons obtained by Arjuna from Rudra and Indra and Yama and Varuna and
Kuvera and Drona and the illustrious Kripa, the wielder of Gandiva
succeeded in slaying Vikartana's son Karna of effulgence like that of
Surya himself. Even thus had thy brother been cursed and beguiled by
many. As, however, he has fallen in battle, thou shouldst not grieve for
that tiger among men!'"