Thursday, June 4, 2015

Parva 12 290


"Yudhishthira said, 'This curiosity, O sire, is always dwelling in my
mind. O grandsire of the Kurus, I desire to hear everything about it from
thee. Why was the celestial Rishi, the high-souled Usanas, called also
Kavi engaged in doing what was agreeable to the Asuras and disagreeable
to the deities? Why was he engaged in diminishing the energy of the
deities? Why were the Danavas always engaged in hostilities with the
foremost of the deities? Possessed of the splendour of an immortal, for
what reason did Usanas obtain the name of Sukra? How also did he acquire
such superior excellence? Tell me all about these things. Though
possessed of great energy, why does he not succeed in travelling to the
centre of the firmament? I desire, O grandsire, to learn everything about
all these matters.'[1489]

"Bhishma said, 'Listen, O king, with attention to all this as it occurred
actually. O sinless one, I shall narrate these matters to thee as I have
heard and understood them. Of firm vows and honoured by all, Usanas, that
descendant of Bhrigu's race, became engaged in doing what was
disagreeable to the deities for an adequate cause.[1490] The royal
Kuvera, the chief of the Yakshas and the Rakshasas, is the lord of the
treasury of Indra, that master of the universe.[1491] The great ascetic
Usanas, crowned with Yoga-success, entered the person of Kuvera, and
depriving the lord of treasures of his liberty by means of Yoga, robbed
him of all his wealth.[1492] Seeing his wealth taken away from him, the
lord of treasures became highly displeased. Filled with anxiety, and his
wrath also being excited, he went to that foremost of gods, viz.,
Mahadeva. Kuvera, represented the matter unto Siva of immeasurable
energy, that first of gods, fierce and amiable, and possessed of various
forms. And he said, 'Usanas, having spiritualised himself by Yoga entered
my form and depriving myself of liberty, has taken away all my wealth.
Having by Yoga entered my body he has again left it.' Hearing these
words, Maheswara of supreme Yoga-powers became filled with rage. His
eyes, O king, became blood-red, and taking up his lance he waited (ready
to strike down Usanas). Indeed, having taken up that foremost of weapons,
the great god began to say, 'Where is he? Where is he?' Meanwhile,
Usanas, having ascertained the purpose of Mahadeva (through Yoga-power)
from a distance, waited in silence. Indeed, having ascertained the fact
of the wrath of the high-souled Maheswara of superior Yoga-power, the
puissant Usanas began to reflect as to whether he should go to Maheswara
or fly away or remain where he was. Thinking, with the aid of his severe
penances, of the high-souled Mahadeva, Usanas of soul crowned with
Yoga-success, placed himself on the point of Mahadeva's lance. The
bow-armed Rudra, understanding that Usanas, whose penances had become
successful and who had converted himself into the form of pure Knowledge,
was staying at the point of his lance (and finding that he was unable to
hurl the lance at one who was upon it), bent that weapon with hand. When
the fierce-armed and puissant Mahadeva of immeasurable energy had thus
bent his lance (into the form of a bow), that weapon came to be called
from that time by the name of Pinaka.[1493] The lord of Uma, beholding
Bhargava thus brought upon the palm of his hand, opened his mouth. The
chief of the gods then threw Bhargava into his mouth and swallowed him at
once. The puissant and high-souled Usanas of Bhrigu's race, entering the
stomach of Maheswara, began to wander there.'

"Yudhishthira said, 'How, O king, could Usanas succeed in wandering
within the stomach of that foremost of superior intelligence? What also
did that illustrious god do while the Brahmana was within his

"Bhishma said, 'In days of yore (having swallowed up Usanas), Mahadeva of
severe vows entered the waters and remained there like an immovable stake
of wood, O king, for millions of years (engaged in Yoga-meditation). His
Yoga penances of the austerest type having been over, he rose from the
mighty lake. Then that primeval god of the gods, viz., the eternal
Brahman, approached him, and enquired after the progress of his penances
and after his welfare. The deity having the bull for his emblem answered,
saying, 'My penances have been well-practised.' Of inconceivable soul,
possessed of great intelligence, and ever devoted to the religion of
truth, Sankara saw that Usanas within his stomach had become greater in
consequence of those penances of his.[1495] That foremost of Yogins
(viz., Usanas), rich with that wealth of penances and the wealth (he had
appropriated from Kuvera), shone brightly in the three worlds, endued
with great energy.[1496] After this, Mahadeva armed with Pinaka, that
soul of Yoga, once more betook himself to Yoga-meditation. Usanas,
however, filled with anxiety, began to wander within the stomach of the
great god. The great ascetic began to hymn the praises of the god from
where he was, desirous of finding an outlet for escape. Rudra, however,
having stopped all his outlets, prevented him from coming out. The great
ascetic Usanas, however, O chastiser of foes, from within Mahadeva's
stomach, repeatedly addressed the god, saying, 'Show me thy kindness!'
Unto him Mahadeva said, 'Go out through my urethra.' He had stopped up
all other outlets of his body. Confined on every side and unable to find
out the outlet indicated, the ascetic began to wander hither and thither,
burning all the while with Mahadeva's energy. At last he found the outlet
and issued through it. In consequence of this fact he came to be called
by the name of Sukra, and it is in consequence of that fact he also
became unable to attain (in course of his wandering) the central point of
the firmament. Beholding him come out of his stomach and shining brightly
with energy, Bhava, filled with anger, stood with lance uplifted in his
hand. The goddess Uma then interposed and forbade the angry lord of all
creatures, viz., her spouse, to slay the Brahmana. And in consequence of
Uma's having thus prevented her lord from accomplishing his purpose the
ascetic Usanas (from the day) became the son of the goddess.'

"The goddess said, 'This Brahmana no longer deserves to be slain by thee.
He has become my son. O god, one who comes out of thy stomach does not
deserve slaughter at thy hands.'

"Bhishma continued, 'Pacified by these words of his spouse, Bhava smiled
and said repeatedly these words, O king, 'Let this one go whithersoever
he likes.' Bowing unto the boon-giving Mahadeva and to also his spouse
the goddess Uma, the great ascetic Usanas, endued with superior
intelligence, proceeded to the place he chose. I have thus narrated to
thee, O chief of the Bharatas, the story of the high-souled Bhargava
about which thou didst ask me.'"