Vaishampayana said, "After the irresistible Bhimasena had set out, that
bull of Yadu's race, possessed of eyes like lotus-petals, addressed
Kuru's son Yudhishthira, saying, O son of Pandu, this brother of thine,
overwhelmed with grief at the slaughter of his sons, proceedeth alone to
battle, from desire of slaying the son of Drona. O bull of Bharata's
race, of all thy brothers, Bhima is thy dearest! Beholding him fallen
into a great danger why dost thou not stir thyself? The weapon called
brahmashira, which that subjugator of hostile towns, Drona, communicated
to his son, is capable of consuming the whole world. The illustrious and
highly blessed preceptor, that foremost of all wielders of bows,
delighted with Dhananjaya, had given him that very weapon. Unable to
endure it, his only son then begged it of him. Unwillingly he imparted
the knowledge of that weapon to Ashvatthama. The illustrious Drona knew
the restlessness of his son. Acquainted with all duties, the preceptor
laid this command on him, saying, "Even when overtaken by the greatest
danger, O child in the midst of battle, thou shouldst never use this
weapon, particularly against human beings." Even thus the preceptor Drona
spoke unto his son. A little while after he again spoke, saying, "O bull
among men, thou wilt not, it seems, walk in the path of the righteous."
Hearing those bitter words of his sire, the wicked-souled Ashvatthama, in
despair of obtaining every kind of prosperity, began in grief to wander
over the earth.
Then, O chief of the Kurus, while you were living in the woods, O
Bharata, he came to Dvaraka and took up his abode there, worshipped by
the Vrishnis. One day, after he had taken up his abode in Dvaraka, he
came to me, without a companion and when I myself was without anybody by
my side, on the seacoast, and there smilingly addressing me said, "O
Krishna, that weapon, called brahmashira, worshipped by gods and
gandharvas, which my sire, the preceptor of the Bharatas, of prowess
incapable of being baffled, and obtained from Agastya after performing
the austerest penances, is now with me, O Dasharha, as much as it is with
my sire. O foremost one of Yadu's race, in exchange for that celestial
weapon, give me thy discus which is capable of slaying all foes in
While he with joined palms and great importunity thus begged of me my
discus, myself, O bull of Bharata's race, from desire of gladdening him,
told him these words: "Gods, danavas, gandharvas, men, birds and snakes,
assembled together, are not equal to even a hundredth part of my energy.
I have this bow, this dart, this discus, and this mace. I will give thee
whichever amongst these thou desirest to have from me. Without giving me
the weapon thou wishest to give, take from among these weapons of mine
whichever thou mayest be able to wield and use in battle."
Thus addressed, the illustrious son of Drona, as if challenging me,
solicited at my hands my discus of excellent nave and hard as thunder,
possessed of a 1,000 spokes, and made of iron "Take it." I said unto him.
Thus addressed, he rose suddenly and seized the discus with his left
hand. He failed, however, to even move the weapon from the spot on which
it lay. He then made preparations for seizing it with his right hand.
Having seized it then very firmly and having put forth all his strength,
he still failed to either wield or move it. At this, Drona's son became
filled with sorrow. After he was tired with the exertions he made, he
ceased, O Bharata!
When he withdrew his heart from that purpose, I addressed the anxious and
senseless Ashvatthama and said, "He who is always regarded as the
foremost of all human beings, that wielder of gandiva, that warrior
having white steeds yoked unto his car, that hero owning the prince of
apes for the device on his standard, that hero who, desirous of
vanquishing in a wrestling encounter the god of gods, the blue-throated
lord of Uma, gratified the great Shankara himself, that Phalguna than
whom I have no dearer friend on earth, that friend to whom there is
nothing that I cannot give including my very wives and children, that
dear friend Partha of unstained acts, never said unto me, O brahmana,
such words as these which thou hast uttered.
That son whom I obtained through ascetic penances and observances of
austere brahmacarya for twelve years on the breast of Himavati whither I
had gone for the purpose, that son of mine, Pradyumna, of great energy
and a portion of Sanat-kumara himself, begotten by me upon my wife
Rukmini who had practised vows as austere as mine, that hero even never
solicited this best of objects, this unrivalled discus, which thou of
little understanding had solicited!
Rama of great might never said such words to me! Neither Gada nor Samba
has ever asked that of me which thou hast asked! No one among the other
great car-warriors of the Vrishni and the Andhaka race residing in
Dvaraka has ever asked this of me which thou hast asked! Thou art the son
of the preceptor of the Bharatas, thou art held in high respect by all
the Yadavas. Let me ask thee, O foremost of car-warriors, with whom
wouldst thou fight using this weapon?"
Thus addressed by me, Drona's son replied, saying, "After offering
worship to thee, O Krishna, it was my intention to fight thee, O thou of
unfading glory! It was for this, O Krishna that I solicited thee for thy
discus which is adored by gods and danavas. If I had got it I would then
become invincible in the world. Having failed, O Keshava, in obtaining my
almost unattainable wish, I am about to leave thee, O Govinda! Address me
in fair words now. This terrible weapon is held by thee that art the
foremost of all terrible persons. Unrivalled art thou for this weapon!
There is none else in this world capable of possessing it."
Having said these words unto me, the son of Drona, taking many couples of
steeds and much wealth and diverse kinds of gems, left Dvaraka. He is
wrathful, wicked-souled, restless, and very cruel. He knows the weapon
called brahmashira. Vrikodara should be protected from him!"